Published on 24 October 2012
I just tried to get Mou to run in the terminal. Mou is actually a pretty lovely program that allows you to see what a document with Markdown syntax looks like as you type it, something like an instant TeX compiler. I use Markdown on this blog, and on Github Wikis, so it’s proven useful. It’s the main reason I upgraded to Mountain Lion - I wish I hadn’t, as they killed spaces, which in turn killed my entire productivity flow. I look forward to more updates, as I can’t do other things anymore, such as have a transparent vim workspace.
I just tried this:
sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/bin/mou
This should have worked. Instead, I got this error:
No Info.plist file in application bundle or no NSPrincipalClass in the Info.plist file, exiting
I then tried using ‘echo test > test’ ‘open App…/mou test’. No dice, as it instead opened test in mvim, and Mou opened nothing. So, basically, I can’t open things from Mou in the terminal.
Of course, then I googled it.
open -a Mou
And we have it. For future reference, Richard, Google stuff first, you knob.