Published on 13 April 2013
Well, as you may have noticed, I completely reworked this site. A few reasons why - I’m a front end developer now, and I was kind of ashamed of the inherently bootstrappy feel of the last site. This should be a bit better. I’m also tired of updating this blog and then So, I’ve integrated them together. This site will be moved over to that address (as well as, as well, so this is a major consolidation.
Also, I really didn’t feel like the old sites showed everything as well as they could. I kept a few things - for instance, the movable buttons beneath my profile, which is kind of a UX disaster, but I like the dynamic nature of it. I like the top bar off of this much more, and I like using Font Awesome to get the icons down. You can probably tell that this is based loosely (or not) on Zach Holman’s site. I like it. I also like my little oval image at the top. Seems cool.
I’ve also reorganised the way I was mentally viewing posts. Expect less pages, and more posts. I’m far too changeable to keep updated pages and pages of things.
Alright, with that done, I can start blogging again.
Expect more.